Saturday, May 31, 2008

Day 3....On the move...


Early in the morning, the weather was misty.
Arrived at our destination around 10am.

When we first set our eyes on the oriental pearl TV tower, we were wondering if we were still on earth as it looked like a weird alien constructed tower. Just take a look at the picture =D!

Some interesting facts.
The oriental TV tower is the 3rd tallest tower in the world and the first in Asia. It stands at the height of 468 metres which was about 200 stories high. The journey up to the top of the tower was much quicker than expected. It took less than a minute to travel up the viewing tower which was about 263 metres high.

Some pictures taken as shown, weren’t clear due to the weather. Sigh.

Bought some souvenirs and went all the way down back to firm ground, yeah!
Even though it was fun all the way up the tower, it sure was good to have our legs back on solid ground.

We went to the airport at 2pm to get us checked in.
Japheth, one of the travelers, left his passport on the floor!
Responsibility. Picked up by Mr. Shahril.

Took the bus to the plane stationed at the runway.
We felt like royalty as we waved to the crowd instructed by Mr. Shahril.
The plane departed at around 3.30pm.

Arrived at ChangChun around 5.45pm, 17 degrees cold.
Went to collect our luggage and went to the arrival hall where crowds were cheering us on as they thought that we were the Si Chuan helpers.

However the crowd wasn’t for us. Disappointed.
A bouquet was given to JAPHETH! Jealousy.

We took the bus from the airport to the hostel where we were to spend 4 days of immersion. We had our dinner which was fairly sumptuous.
Rushed off to the train station where we get ourselves settled down for the overnight ride.

At the cabin, we got ourselves comfortable positions and await for the train to depart from changchun. We were allocated 6 to a cabin and occupied a total of 10 cabins.


I was not used to the surroundings as the cabins did not have doors. So, we all in all felt insecure.

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